Ok...I admit...I'm the WORST blogger! It's been nearly 2 months since my last post. I'll try to add everything I can.
Here we go...Avelyn is nearly 3 months old now. She's currently 11 lbs 5 oz and 23 inches long. She's just grown so much! Within those 3 months, she can now hold up her own head and can even sit up without much support now. She's also beginning to try and grab things. The other day she was in her bouncer and she was determined to grab her little lion to make him sing. I turned around for a split second and low and behold, she got it! She was so proud of herself and made the cutest little laugh. Avelyn is also trying to roll now. She still has a way to go, but she certainly is trying. My daughter is also a talker. Specially first thing in the morning. I believe my daughter LOVES the morning and that's just not me. I am probably the worst morning person alive. I'm not afraid to admit that, but...more and more, she's turning me into that way. She starts my day with the biggest smile on earth. It melts my heart and I look forward waking up to her (even when it's 4 am). Along with melting my heart, it also makes it very difficult to go to work every day.
I started back to work about a month ago. My job has been very demanding ever since. I got a phone call a few days before I was scheduled to go back and they informed me that I was now going to be teaching a K/1 split class (1/2 Kindergarten, 1/2 1st Grade) and that I needed to move rooms. It's been such a drain, but I do have to say that I have a great class. I am very blessed by them. It's a challenge, but well worth it (with them). It hasn't been well worth it with our new principal. He's really put a lot of work on us. He says its for the kiddos, but how can the kids benefit and learn, if their teachers are tired, torn down, & can't teach the way they like? It's very uniformed and not always for the best. At least that's the way I see it. Enough of this though...back to my girl!
So, Jeff went and purchased the Baby First channel on Dish today. Avelyn can not get enough of it! I have to say, I love it too. It's got some great family interactive stuff to do together. Highly recommend it if you've been looking at getting it.
There's a ton more, but I'm getting really tired now. Here are some photos of our precious little angel. Isn't she getting big??

Avelyn at a month old and she had just started smiling.

One of the few times she's happy during "Tummy Time."

My baby girl spending time in her room.

My sweetie at 2 months and yes that is drool. :)

Mommy and Avelyn out at the Botanical Gardens in Fort Worth. This also happened to be the day I found out I was doing a K/1 split. Ugh!! Such a great day and such a sucky day!

Avelyn with her cousins Landon & Ashton (Ashton had to throw himself in the pictures. The kids such a photo hog, but I love him!)

Like my belly??

Aren't I cute Mommy? I can hold my head up now!

Ok...I know I look just like Daddy!