Friday, July 17, 2009

It's about time!

Jeff and I went to the doctor today. 2nd time in a week because of my high blood pressure. I've always had the same BP throughout my entire pregnancy, but I guess in the last 2 weeks my bottom number has increased 20 points (or whatever) so...they have decided to go ahead and induce me on Sunday. I'm a little nervous! Very excited though. They did go ahead and do a sonogram to check on Avelyn and make sure she has enough fluid and was considered full term. She certainly is! We also got a chance to see her sweet little face! We hadn't seen it since she was 20 weeks and here she was at almost 39 weeks! It's very hard to tell who she looks like though. I think she'll come out with my nose. Gosh, how I feel sorry for her! :)
The way Jeff and I figured it, is at least this way we can get prepared. We don't have to worry about timing contractions or my water breaking or heaven forbid...him be out of town on work! That was always my biggest fear. So here's what they're going to do: tomorrow we go to the hospital (Harris Methodist Dowtown)at 6pm and they'll start with Cervadil to soften my cervix and then on Sunday, if things didn't naturally progress, they'll use potosin (sp?) and start inducing me. I really hope that we're able to do this vaginally and don't end up with a C-section. I know though that several people who get induced end up with a c-section because their just not ready. Please pray that doesn't happen in my case. But as long as she's ok, I'll do what ever the doc tells me too! post...Avelyn!!!!

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